School Info
District Goal
CEEB Code 380073
Aloha is an unincorporated suburban residential community in Washington County, located ten miles west of Portland, Oregon. Employment opportunities in the Beaverton area include business and professional, light industry and high tech electronics manufacturing.
Aloha High School is a four-year comprehensive secondary school, one of the six comprehensive high schools in the Beaverton School District, a K-12 unified school district serving more than 40,000 students in 55 schools. Current enrollment at Aloha High School is approximately students. The class of 2025 is comprised of 415 students.
31% Caucasian | 1% Native American |
50% Latinx | 8% Other Race |
7% Asian | 47% English Language Learners |
4% Black | 62% Free or Reduced Lunch |
The AHS family comprises over 110 licensed personnel, including four administrators, one dean of students, seven counselors, one full-time social worker, one full-time school psychologist, and an additional part-time school psychologist. Over 88% of our faculty have a Master's Degree or higher.
Aloha High School offers a comprehensive program with college preparatory Advanced Placement and dual credit course offerings in addition to a wide range of career & technical education offerings. AHS is on a semester A/B schedule with four 88-minute classes per day.
Advanced Placement Program
Below are the 19 AP classes that are available to students in 2023-2024:
AP Biology AP Calculus AB AP Chemistry AP Economics Macro AP Economics Micro AP English Language & Composition AP English Literature & Composition AP Environmental Science AP Government & Politics - Comparative |
AP Government & Politics - US AP Physics 1 - or 2 AP Psychology AP Spanish Language & Culture AP Statistics AP Studio Art - Drawing AP Studio Art - 2D AP US History AP Computer Science |
DuAl Credit Courses
The following Dual Credit Courses are offered at Aloha:
Auto Technician I Advanced Auto Technician II AP Biology AP Environmental Science AP Microeconomics AP Psychology AP Spanish AP Statistics Cybersecurity |
First Aid Intro to Music Theory Pre-Calculus Spanish 3 Spanish 4 Spanish 5 Spanish Lit & Comp III Statistics Stem Chemistry |
DuAl language
Aloha High School offers an outstanding Dual Language program providing opportunities for students to graduate from high school with a high level of biliteracy and even the official Seal of Biliteracy. The Dual Language program consists of the following classes, all of which are taught completely in Spanish:
AP Spanish Human Geography Physics and Chemistry |
Spanish Lit & Comp I, II and III Spanish Cinema US History |
The Spanish Lit & Comp courses provide World Language or Elective credit, Human Geography and US History provide Social Studies credit, and Physics and Chemistry provide Science credit. Any combination of these courses will improve a student’s biliteracy.
Seal of Biliteracy
The official Seal of Biliteracy is awarded if a student meets the minimal requirements of receiving a 4 or higher on the AP Spanish exam or a 7 on the STAMP test, and meeting all other graduation requirements
Aloha High School, like all schools within the Beaverton School District, uses a Standards-Based Learning System (SBLS) to assess student learning and report student progress.
A standards-based learning system is built around several powerful ideas:
- All classroom instruction and assessments are aligned to BSD Learning Targets
- Multiple opportunities are provided for students to demonstrate growth and learning
- Formative assessment practices provide feedback focused on student growth and support improved instruction
- Consistent scoring guides (rubrics) determine a students level of learning and indicate what a student must do to improve
- Regular reporting of progress on each learning target occurs
- Academics and behaviors are reported separately
- The highest value is placed on teacher judgement and expertise
Clear, consistent and truthful reporting of a students progress begins with the learning targets. A teacher's instruction, a student's work and the way we report a student's progress should all be focused on the learning targets.
Each teacher will ensure their instruction and student tasks are aligned to the learning targets assigned to that course. At the end of a reporting period, the teacher will consider all of the evidence a student produced around each learning target and use the scoring guide/rubric associated with that learning target to determine the student's proficiency level. All rubrics identify four levels of mastery and a teacher issues a 1-4 mark to a student for each learning target.
Teachers use the conversion criteria to guide converting their learning target proficiency judgements into a letter grade. Additional information can be found here - English, Spanish.
Aloha High School has both unweighted and weighted GPA noted on the transcript. Weighted Percentile Rank in Class can be provided per request. Advanced Placement courses, which are transferable to a 4-year university, are weighted. Grades A, B and C earned in weighted classes will earn an extra grade point. Weighted courses are noted in the first column on the transcript.
College Admission, Attendance History
Of graduating seniors in 2019, 63% continued their education after high school. 28% of the Class of 2019 are attending a 4-year college or university, and 35% of the Class of 2019 are attending a 2-year college. In addition to the universities and colleges within Oregon, Aloha Graduates have been admitted to numerous colleges and universities throughout the nation.
Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC), a division of AdvancED
Revised February 2023