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Beaverton Schools

School Improvement Plan

Strategic Plan Goal Area 1: Safe & Thriving

Strategic Plan Outcome: Every Student Thrives Socially and Emotionally
Strategic Plan Measure: % of Students Attending Regularly
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely):

  • 10% increase, over the 2022-23 data, for students with 90%, 85%, 80%, 70%, and 60% attendance

  • Decrease overall rate of chronic absenteeism by 15%

Available Leading Indicators for this Measure: As of 5/31/2023: 

  • 546 students- 80-89%
  • 259 students- 70-79%
  • 198 students- 60-69%
  • 434 students- below 60%

89.7% of AHS students are chronically absent.

Strategic Plan Strategy: Teams in each building meet regularly to examine social-emotional, academic, attendance and discipline data for students.

Strategic Plan Goal Area 2:  Progress on Standards

Strategic Plan Outcome: Every student demonstrates progress toward and achievement of the standards.
Strategic Plan Measure: Percentage of 9th and 10th grade students on track to graduate and percentage of 12th grade students graduating in four and five years.
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): The percentage of 9th and 10th grade students on track to graduate, earning six credits each year will go up two percentage points to 85.1% and the percentage of 12th grade students graduating in four years will go up to 86.0% and 89.0% in five years.
Available Leading Indicators for this Measure:

  • % of 9th graders earning 3 credits or more at Semester 1.
  • Students on track to graduate by HS entry year:
    • U-CHS200: BSD High School Progress Towards Graduation
    • U-CHS201: BSD High School Cohort Grad Rate (Active/Inactive)
  • Students on track to earn a diploma or other credential by HS entry year:
    • U-CHS200: BSD High School Progress Towards Graduation
    • U-CHS201: BSD High School Cohort Grad Rate (Active/Inactive)

Strategic Plan Strategy: Articulated and Scaffolded high leverage teaching strategies (AVID-WICOR) taught and consistently used in all content and courses at all grade levels.